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August Seed Packet of the Month - Black Cherry Tree Seed



This deciduous tree growing to 15-30 m tall, the fruit is popular with birds. Medicinal properties as well as the making of wood furniture.

Beautiful cherry blossoms appear in the spring followed by red fruit maturing to a black-purple color popular for wildlife like birds and bees in late summer.

Fruit is used to flavor jelly, run and brandy through the ages. The inner bark is said to have some medicinal properties, alysocide as a cough remedy among others.

Attributes of the Black Cherry Tree  :


-Beautiful Blooms in Spring 

-Attractive Landscape tree for small yards, parks, and farm borders
-Medicinal Properties from the  inner bark of the tree
-Fruit is attractive to birds and wildlife
-Valued hardwood in furniture building 
-Fruit favoring for jams, jellies, rum, and brandy 

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